gue ga ngerti bnyk bahasa2nya dia-____-

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
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You: hellooo
Stranger: and thats why i dont sleep naked at my uncles anymore
Stranger: oops
Stranger: wrong chat box >.<
You: ???
Stranger: nothing
Stranger: ignore that hehe
You: oh okay
You: asl?
Stranger: oh
Stranger: greetings
Stranger: um
You: what?
Stranger: 20/M/USA
You: wow
Stranger: you?
You: 18/F/Indonesia
Stranger: LUCKY
You: haha
Stranger: whats europe like this time of year?
You: i dont know
You: what are you doing now?
Stranger: i see
You: do you have a facebook?
Stranger: well
Stranger: no sorry
You: ehm ok no problem
Stranger: had a bad expierience with that
You: why?
Stranger: some guy stalked me
Stranger: broke into my last apartment
You: ohhh bad
Stranger: well since your a complete stranger i feel ok with telling you that he also raped me violently =\
You: violently?
Stranger: yeah banged me up pretty bad =
Stranger: =\
You: oooh
Stranger: but im ok now =D
Stranger: oh shit
You: good:)
Stranger: i just accidently a whole coke bottle
You: ahaha
Stranger: ouch...
Stranger: this really sucks...
You: hmmmmm
Stranger: shes not breathing =(
Stranger: what do i do
Stranger: it was an accident
You: who is she?
Stranger: my little sister
Stranger: it was an accident i swear
Stranger: i just turned around
Stranger: and accidently the whole coke bottle =(
Stranger: its everywhere
You: oohh
Stranger: what do i do?
You: wait
Stranger: for what?
You: no no hehe
You: hm, say sorry to your little sister
Stranger: shes gone
Stranger: she ran home
You: omg
Stranger: this is gonna turn out just like back in Philadelphia
You: your parents know about this problem?
Stranger: well
Stranger: Back in west Philadelphia where i was born and raised
Stranger: i spent most of my days on the playground
Stranger: chillin, maxin, relaxin all cool
Stranger: and playing some basketball outside the school
Stranger: when a couple of guys came up who were up to no good
Stranger: and started making trouble in my neighborhood
Stranger: and i got in one little fight and my mom got scared
Stranger: and said that i had to come live with my auntie and uncle
Stranger: and thats my story
Stranger: so
You: hmm i see, so now your little sister live with whoo?
Stranger: i dont know what my parents are gonnna do when my sister gets there =(
Stranger: im at my aunt and uncles and my parents are staying with my grandma down the street =(
You: oooooh
Stranger: i dont know what to do
Stranger: she was naked
Stranger: i was naked
Stranger: and i accidently the whole coke bottle
You: ask to your parents
Stranger: i begged and i pleaded and shes packing my suitcase =(
Stranger: why doesnt she understand that it was an accident
Stranger: all i did was accidently a whole coke bottle
Stranger: havnt you done that before?
Stranger: i gotta go
Stranger: smell ya later
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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