
b + o = bo
b + o = bo
b + o + b + o = bobo
s + e + n = sen
s + e + n = sen
s + e + n + s + e + n = sensen-_-
hahahaha boboboboboboboboboboseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen sen sen sen
pengen pergiiiiiiiiiiiii kemana ajaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
boseeeeen dirumah muluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


gue ga ngerti bnyk bahasa2nya dia-____-

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Omegle is not a dating site. Please try to have interesting conversations here!
You: hellooo
Stranger: and thats why i dont sleep naked at my uncles anymore
Stranger: oops
Stranger: wrong chat box >.<
You: ???
Stranger: nothing
Stranger: ignore that hehe
You: oh okay
You: asl?
Stranger: oh
Stranger: greetings
Stranger: um
You: what?
Stranger: 20/M/USA
You: wow
Stranger: you?
You: 18/F/Indonesia
Stranger: LUCKY
You: haha
Stranger: whats europe like this time of year?
You: i dont know
You: what are you doing now?
Stranger: i see
You: do you have a facebook?
Stranger: well
Stranger: no sorry
You: ehm ok no problem
Stranger: had a bad expierience with that
You: why?
Stranger: some guy stalked me
Stranger: broke into my last apartment
You: ohhh bad
Stranger: well since your a complete stranger i feel ok with telling you that he also raped me violently =\
You: violently?
Stranger: yeah banged me up pretty bad =
Stranger: =\
You: oooh
Stranger: but im ok now =D
Stranger: oh shit
You: good:)
Stranger: i just accidently a whole coke bottle
You: ahaha
Stranger: ouch...
Stranger: this really sucks...
You: hmmmmm
Stranger: shes not breathing =(
Stranger: what do i do
Stranger: it was an accident
You: who is she?
Stranger: my little sister
Stranger: it was an accident i swear
Stranger: i just turned around
Stranger: and accidently the whole coke bottle =(
Stranger: its everywhere
You: oohh
Stranger: what do i do?
You: wait
Stranger: for what?
You: no no hehe
You: hm, say sorry to your little sister
Stranger: shes gone
Stranger: she ran home
You: omg
Stranger: this is gonna turn out just like back in Philadelphia
You: your parents know about this problem?
Stranger: well
Stranger: Back in west Philadelphia where i was born and raised
Stranger: i spent most of my days on the playground
Stranger: chillin, maxin, relaxin all cool
Stranger: and playing some basketball outside the school
Stranger: when a couple of guys came up who were up to no good
Stranger: and started making trouble in my neighborhood
Stranger: and i got in one little fight and my mom got scared
Stranger: and said that i had to come live with my auntie and uncle
Stranger: and thats my story
Stranger: so
You: hmm i see, so now your little sister live with whoo?
Stranger: i dont know what my parents are gonnna do when my sister gets there =(
Stranger: im at my aunt and uncles and my parents are staying with my grandma down the street =(
You: oooooh
Stranger: i dont know what to do
Stranger: she was naked
Stranger: i was naked
Stranger: and i accidently the whole coke bottle
You: ask to your parents
Stranger: i begged and i pleaded and shes packing my suitcase =(
Stranger: why doesnt she understand that it was an accident
Stranger: all i did was accidently a whole coke bottle
Stranger: havnt you done that before?
Stranger: i gotta go
Stranger: smell ya later
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

ga penting

hellooo, gue lg suka sm lagu Britney Spears nih yg CIRCUS ehehe
ini lirik lagu nyaaa

There’s only two types of people in the world
The ones that entertain, and the ones that observe
Well baby, I’m a put on a show kind of girl
Don’t like the back seat, gotta be first

I’m like the ring leader, I call the shots
I’m like a firecracker, I make it hot
When I put on a show

I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins
Spotlight on me and I’m ready to break
I’m like a performer, the dance floor is my stage
Better be ready, hope that you feel the same

All eyes on me in the center of a ring,
Just like a circus
When I crack that whip, everybody gonna trip,
Just like a circus
Don’t stand there watching me, follow me,
Show me what you can do
Everybody let go, we can make a dance floor,
Just like a circus

There’s only two types of guys out there
Ones that can hang with me, and ones that are scared
So baby, I hope that you came prepared
I run a tight ship, so beware

I’m like the ring leader, I call the shots
I’m like a firecracker, I make it hot
When I put on a show

I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins
Spotlight on me and I’m ready to break
I’m like a performer, the dance floor is my stage
Better be ready, hope that you feel the same

All eyes on me in the center of a ring,
Just like a circus
When I crack that whip, everybody gonna trip,
Just like a circus
Don’t stand there watching me, follow me,
Show me what you can do
Everybody let go, we can make a dance floor,
Just like a circus

Let’s go
Let me see what you can do
I’m loving this
Like, like, like like a circus
Like a what?
Like, like, like a circus

All eyes on me in the center of a ring,
Just like a circus
When I crack that whip, everybody gonna trip,
Just like a circus
Don’t stand there watching me, follow me,
Show me what you can do
Everybody let go, we can make a dance floor,
Just like a circus

All eyes on me in the center of a ring,
Just like a circus
When I crack that whip, everybody gonna trip,
Just like a circus
Don’t stand there watching me, follow me,
Show me what you can do
Everybody let go, we can make a dance floor,
Just like a circus

tuh liriknya, haha ga penting sih sbnrnya-_- abisnya lg gatau mau nulis apaan hehe



ini posting pertamaku yaaa hehe oke jd gini kemaren hari jumat tanggal 11 sept o9 ada bukber disekolah, sblm kesekolah... aku Naddya Tarisa dan Chika ngebikin burger dulu buat dibawa kesekolah (tugas b.ind) blablablablablabla nah pas udh selesai semuanya udh beres kita langsung brangkat bareng2 gt naik mobilnya Naddya didalem mobil kita repot gtdeh tangan kanan megang kado buat tuker kado tangan kiri megang burger nya hm-_-. pas udh nyampe sklh ternyata kita berempat telat gituu semua anak2 udh pada ada di hall lantai 4, acara nya udah mulai ternyataa trs yaudah kita langsung buru2 lari ke hall udh gt duduk deh di barisan PALING BELAKANG ergh hehehe tapi gapapa lah yg penting msh kbagian tmpt-,-
acara2 sblm bukber tuh dilaksanainnya di hall. ada padus, drama kls 9, trus nasyid kls 7 8 9 yg kmrn menang udh gt banyakdeh pokoknya. oh iya kita ngundang anak2 yatim gt buat bukber. waktu udah maghrib kita semua dikasih masing2 1 donat sm minuman aqua (penting ga sih?-_-) udah gitu solat maghrib berjamaah di hall, truuuus waktunya makaan haha nihya kirain gue makanan nya ada bbrp macem eh ternyata cuma hokben sm gelas aqua ga ada yg laiiin aduh ga seru deh menu2 nya ga kayak taun kmrn. untung ada kejadian yg ngebikin heboh yaitu temen gue ERBE(Ryan Ikhsan) nembak TYARA uhuuhu langsung pd heboh gt deeh tapi sayangnya ga diterima hemmm... sabar ya be :D

nah ini ni yg sangat sangat seruuuu jd pas pulang dari bukber kan diluar udah gelap gt ya jd orang2 tuh ga kliatan jelas udah gituu dijalan ketemu adeknya Tifaa namanya Zefo (namanya kereeen) trus aku minta foto deh sm Zefo eh dia nya mau trs yaudah fotooo difotoin Tifa, nih foto nyaa:

lucu ya muka nyaaa hihi bibirnya tuh merah banget tapi disitu ga keliatan sbnrnya aku mau foto juga sama adeknya Tifa yg satu nya lg nama nya Foza (namanya keren juga-..-) tapi katanya Tifa nanti Foza nya ngambek marah gt jdnya yaudah ga jd. ini yg namanya Tifa:)

itu yg namanya Tifara Verdya (Tifa) lucu juga kan orangnya? cantiik;D

sehabis foto bareng Zefo adeknya Tifa, dijalan aku jd keinget sm Theo adeknya Thalia trus akhirnya nyari Thalia deh udah ketemu trus aku nanya Theo manaaa? kata Thalia ini lg nyari ahaha yaudah akhirnya nyari bareng2 ke sd. naaaah pas Theo nya ketemuu mmmhh yg pertama liat aku tuh trs spontan teriak "AAA ITU THEOOOO!!!" trs yg lain pd "mana mana mana" aku bilang "ituu ada disitu lg sm tmen2nya" trus kita nyamperin Theo, si Tarisa langsung meluk gt aku nyubit2 pipinya, yg lainnya pd heboh aja. trus aku minta foto bareeng akhirnya bisa foto jg sm Theo mbul haha, ga disadari ternyata tmen2 nya Theo pd ngliatin bingung ke kita semua AHAHAH ckck seru deeeeh puas banget ketemu Theo nyaa:D nih nih foto nya,

tuh fotonya, yg kiri Indi kembarankuu nyihi sebelahnya Indi namanya Lili, aku yg disebelahnya Lili sama sebelahnya Naddya, yg bawah kanan itu namanya Tarisa. si Theo gembul yg ditengaaah lucu bngt kannn? cina2 gmn gt hahahaha
ada 1 foto lg yg bareng Theo:

aku sebutin dari kiri ya: yg bawah Lili sm Theo, yg atas Indi Naddya Inda(aku) sm Tasha hihihi
ohiya Theo itu kan adeknya Thalia. ini salahsatu fotonya Thalia:

cantik bangeet ;) rambut nya ituu argh pengennn

abis capek ngerubungin Theo, aku sm tmen2 mencar soalnya udh pd mo pulang. aku di dpn penitipan barang skolah ngeliat adeknya si Rizki Taufik ahaaa gatau namanya siapa karna lg iseng yaudah minta foto deeeh nih fotonya:

lucu ya rambutnya kriting2 gt haha :)
kalo yg ini kakaknya (Rizki) waktu sd sampe skrng jg msh suka dikatain dgn sebutan "kuda" gatau knp mesti kuda hahaha nih nih foto org nya:

tuh yg namanya Rizki, itu foto mukanya dari samping-__-

udah deh aksi foto-fotonya selesaaai, seru banget pengen lagii blm terlalu puas haha
udahan dulu ya temaan hihi

Bianda Dina